Your sleep affects your happiness levels, stress levels and yes, even your fat levels!


BUT… what if you haven’t had a decent nights sleep in a long time?

It is all to common for people to think about methods to be able to sleep better whether it is meditation, less caffeine, sleeping pills yet still

feel frustrated because they can’t get enough sleep.


Our bodies rely on this time to heal and prepare for the day ahead, so it really is a big setback when you aren't getting enough of it.


If you struggle with getting enough sleep and are frustrated to the point that you've stopped trying, here are some helpful tips and recommendations that may just help you out.




Tip #1:

Empty Your Mind

For a lot of people, going to sleep is incredibly challenging because of the constant thoughts running through their head… and the more you think of it, the more you just keep thinking, keeping you WIDE awake.



If you suffer from constant thoughts, there are steps you can take.

Try keeping a journal next to your bed.

Before you sleep, write down everything that is coming to your mind. Its amazing how helpful this little technique is to calming your mind.


All you need to do is write down sentences or words which is in your thoughts.

The reason why this is so helpful is that it allows your brain to have the thoughts, create action with them by writing them down, and then file them away.


Just keep your journal and a pen beside your bed and the next time you're staring at the ceiling thinking about your to-do list, write it all down.



Tip #2:

No Blue Light 30-Minutes Prior To Sleep.

Our bodies have  program… They will wake up and sleep according to the sun.


But with all the lights and all kinds of electronic distractions (phones, tablets, computers, televisions), the sun can't tell us when to sleep and when to wake anymore!

This causes issues for so many people. The blue light from your electronics tricks you into thinking that the sun is still out.

It triggers your body to be more alert, rather than allowing you to relax.

If you still want to watch your favourite Netflix series before sleep, you can. You just need to make a slight adjustment so you can allow your body to relax.

Try turning off electronics at least 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep.

Take those 30 minutes to read a book, write in your journal, or listen to a podcast. Along as it doesn't expose your eyes to blue light.



Tip #3:

Limit Caffeine After 2pm - Depending On Sensitivity.

I know, many of us love our caffeine.

From the aroma of the coffee in the morning, and the instant kick it gives you to start the day.

The thought of not having it is unthinkable for many of us.

Luckily, I'm not telling you that you have to give up your morning cuppa.

If you are someone who happens to be particularly sensitive to caffeine, it is important that you limit your caffeine intake and have a timeframe for drinking your coffee.

Try limiting yourself to one to two cups in the morning hours.



Tip #4:

Have a Set Bedtime, Like When You Were a Kid.

Turns out, what we learnt as kids, having a routine and going to bed around the same time every night, can help your body reach a natural rhythm.

Your body releases certain hormones which help you to dose off to sleep.

Melatonin is the main hormone and is triggered when it becomes dark.

But, your hormones will have a tough time regulating your internal clock if you're sleeping and waking at all different times.

That's why setting a time for you to go to bed every night is important for your body to stay in balance.

You're encouraging your sleep hormones to get into a regular schedule, which helps you fall asleep easier!

It can be difficult to keep to a stringent bedtime at times… but for the most, its best to aim for a certain time every night.

As you continue to make a regular time, you'll find it gets easier and easier.


Tip #5:

Find The Most Comfortable Temperature For Your Room.

What's the temperature like at your house?

Your body cools itself in order to initiate sleep, so a cooler room helps you fall asleep faster. This doesn’t mean to have the air con blaring all night. a couple of quiet fans can also help cool things down
The ideal temperature will range between 22-24 degrees



Tip #6:

Control The Amount Of Light In Your Room.

This is your common sense approach to sleep. Your room shouldn't be full of light when you're trying to fall asleep!

Don't use overhead lights when you're winding down for bedtime.

Dimmer lights can be really helpful in setting the mood for sleep.

For those who are especially sensitive to light, it can be a good idea to invest in blackout curtains.

These prevent the early morning sunlight from beaming through and disrupting your well-earned sleep too early.


Supplement recommendations that may help with a restful nights sleep.


These following supplements are recommendations that can assist with your sleep, but I do not recommend you take all at once. There will be varying reasons as to why you are having restless nights so before you start with any supplements, its important to realise what could be the issues for your lack of sleep.


Great product for promoting better sleep and relaxation.

ZMA - This product is a Zinc/Magnesium complex with added vitamin b6 for better absorption. You will find in a good quality ZMA product, there is a big dose of magnesium in it to help ease your bodies stress levels.


Product for balancing your sleep cycle

Melatonin - 3mg prior to bed on an empty stomach is a great help for rebalancing your circadian rhythm(sleep cycle)


Anti-Stress amino acid naturally producing more serotonin and melatonin for a better nights sleep

L-Tryptophan - Generally 500mg is the usual dosage



If you want to know more about how to get a better nights sleep, contact us with any questions